Aug 17, 2021Liked by Steffani Cameron


This book really helped me not to accept that the planet is becoming unlivable but to prepare for it. Most of us who are middle aged and have lived traveled lives can relate to you. Thanks for such an eloquent and honest post.

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Thank you, Sueno! I've made note of it. I need a few books like that in my life.

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Aug 17, 2021Liked by Steffani Cameron

I appreciate this honest, brave, writing, friend. Sending love.

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Thanks, hon.

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Aug 17, 2021Liked by Steffani Cameron

The fact that our climate fight is up to politicians scares the bejeebies out of me. Here in the US, we are so divided it seems things will never get better.I feel all of your angst, Steff.

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It's so scary knowing that we all want to fix it but those motherfuckers stand in our way. Deep breaths. Thanks, Bonnie.

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Aug 17, 2021Liked by Steffani Cameron

This article really speaks to me, Steffani. I have also been feeling a deep sense of insecurity about the future. So much is out of our control. Thinking of you.

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I find myself increasingly resentful of people in their 80s who got to live a whole lifetime before this shit came home to roost -- and they did little to nothing as they saw it crumble. Sigh. But yeah, we have to rely on the least reliable people on the planet, corporate henchmen and politicians. Geez. We're all in it together, though.

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Bearing with you. Feeling it too. <3

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